Step 3: Start Transceiving!

First Transmission

  1. In the main window, click the “New Transmission” button (top left corner).
  2. In the “To” field, enter your Transceiver address.
  3. Below the “To” field, click the “Message” tab.
  4. In the “Subject” field, enter a subject. E.g.: My first transmission
  5. In the rich editor below, write a message.
  6. Click the “Send” button (top left corner).

Screenshot of “Send Files” window

Congratulations! You just transmitted your first message. If you want to transmit files instead of a message, use the “Files” tab in the transmission window, and click the “Add files” button to select the files you want to send.

You should receive the message you sent immediately in your “Inbox”. Double-click the message to open it.

Screenshot of the first received message

What to do next? Some ideas